What are clients are saying
I had to tell you my Designer Diamond DeLuxe arrived yesterday. I immediately unpacked it and sewed and embroidered with it. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. It sews and embroiders better than it did the day it was brand new! Shipping it 900 miles was the best decision I could have made.
Linda H
I do want to thank you for the great service to my DSE. When my friend Jane offered your services to me, I jumped at the chance. She is so knowledgeable about these machines that I trusted her judgment without question. I had been using my machine in the state you got it for well over a year. Nothing horribly wrong, but really irritating issues! I had taken it into the shop where I had purchased it for maintenance and more than once to address the problem of the satin stitches during the embroidery mode and the decorative stitches during regular sewing skipping. They could never fix the needle off-center issue either. I was aware that they attempted various fixes to make it right but as you pointed out when we spoke- they had to address the true problems. Unfortunately, their repair person could not seem to get that done. I am grateful that you also fixed issues that I did not realize were going on. As I was well aware of how great a machine it could be, I was so discouraged by its performance that I purchased a Bernina to use also. Though I love the Bernina, my DSE is my machine of choice – when it’s working as it should. And thanks to you, Dear Norm, I have been using my DSE exclusively since you exceeded my expectations on it ever working properly again. I had been repeatedly disappointed by others! Since you are about 6000 miles away, may I never need your services again! But if I do, I will not hesitate to ship it out to you. Again, thank you for returning my wonderful machine to the high-performance state I bought it for.
Nancy G., Kauai, HI
Hi, I live in Florida and have had my Designer 1 to “unfortunately” 5 certified Viking Sewing Centers and still the machine didn’t sew. This is the HONEST truth, was ready to throw my $4500 machine in the river and called the gal that sold me the machine up north in Lakewood, NY and she referred me to Norm Himebaugh and after talking mistakes made by other service centers, they had installed the “wrong” bobbin case, installed a tension replacement improperly and the list goes on, well – short story, it was repaired by Norm and sews like a BRAND NEW MACHINE, my highest recommendation to Norm – he is the best of the best. I recommend him to anyone and if you live close by, I envy you with having someone of his caliber in your back yard. Love my machine, thank you Norm.
N. Tingley
I would like to tell everyone about the experience I have had with Norm HImebaugh -aka The Miracle Man. My 13-Month-old Viking Diamond was headed for eBay. I just wanted to be rid of it because I could never get a good stitch no matter what I tried, no matter what stabilizer I used. The salesperson asked me to purchase many different things trying to make it work better. Hundreds of dollars later, and after many attempts (and there were many) by the “qualified” Viking repair persons to fix and adjust the machine…..nothing made it work better. I thought my Diamond was just UNFIXABLE, or so I was convinced. I had lost all hope of using my Diamond ever and just wanted to rid myself of all the stress related to that machine. Just as I was about to list it on eBay, my good friend Cheryl R. told me about Norm, a friend of hers who, “can fix anything”. That got my attention, “even mine”??? I asked Cheryl. She knew about all the trouble I had with my machine, and I thought if Norm could fix my machine I would drive, from Florida all the way to Charlotte so that he could take a look. Well, long story short, I did take it to Norm and Cheryl was right….that man can fix ANYTHING and he did! My machine is now the machine I always wanted it to be. I love my Husqvarna Diamond now and would not trade it or sell it for any amount of money. I can’t thank you enough Norm, but I will continue to try…THANK YOU NORM, you ARE the best! Deborah Z.
Deborah Z.
I formerly worked in a Viking retail store. Customers would come in frustrated by the ongoing problems they were experiencing with their high-end machines. Many times the service techs blamed the problems on “user error”. I recently sent my Designer Diamond to have Norm service it and when it was returned I couldn’t believe that it was the same machine. It ran more smoothly and was quieter than it had ever been before. The machines of today are simply computers that sew. It takes both mechanical ability and computer knowledge to service these machines. Norm possesses both. Top that off with the amount of care and personal pride he takes in making these machines run as they should and that is what makes him the Gold Standard!
Norm is an amazing person. He is super knowledgeable and very meticulous. He’s also fun to talk sewing machines with. Norm knows sewing machines like no other! From the very first phone call to his company to the very last call he and Judy were a delight. I live in Georgia and had witnessed on 2 different occasions complaints about repairs to one of the local dealers. I had also heard from some customers about repairs taking weeks longer than expected, and when picked up from being serviced/repaired they were still not working correctly. I was even told by one of the sales staff at that store, “this poor lady had just purchased a lemon” a very expensive one might I add. Sad for her that she was unable to get her machine repaired properly. Per Norm there is no such thing as a lemon… just bad repair people. I agree after reading many stories on the Internet about bad repairs. I then began my search for the best sewing machine repair person that I could possibly find. After inquiring around and doing a few Internet searches I ran across one place that stood out… Himebaughs Sewing and Vacuum in North Carolina. I knew after just one conversation with Norm the owner, that he was the right person and the one that I would trust with my machine. I have a top of line Husqvarna Sewing / Embroidery that was super expensive when I purchased it, so I was not going to trust just any shop with the repair of it. With Norm’s instruction, I shipped my sewing machine to North Carolina. When I received it back the machine runs flawlessly and sounds quieter than it did the day I purchased it. Norm did an amazing job and I have enjoyed sewing on it since it returned home. He is the best!!!! I definitely recommend Himebaughs to anyone who is having issues with their sewing machine and wants it fixed correctly / meticulously. Hope Norm never retires. Thank you Norm and Judy!
Bo G.